Monday, February 17, 2014

mobile universe.

"4130 Ramanujan"

February 17 marks the anniversary of a very special event in India's contribution to the scientific field. On this day, in year 1988, scientist R Rajamohan discovered "4130 Ramanujan", a main belt asteroid, at the Vainu Bappu Observatory near Kavalur, India.
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Friday, January 31, 2014

Natural Disasters & outer space universe are like lions, we must save the mankind from them

frdz, plz see my upload 1-min opening scene from anti-trust movie 2001, in which bill gates says "Anyone can put us out of business" - that anyone means anyone in universe

By dumping Motorola, Google gains more control of Android - Similarly by saving the world, we gain more/better control of earth - but stil outer space universe wil have majority control of our fate ttp://

Richness and Prettiness will die instantly if we don't save the world from outer space universe & natural disasters

Lets give full security to earth from natural disasters and outer space universe

the only knowledge we need to save/heal the world is knowledge about universe